Dedicated to the Contemplative and Mystical wisdom at the core of all traditions, including Judaism, Christianity, Sufism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and to the core of our own mystical Heart within.
Exploring how Silence and the Contemplative Way infuse into our ordinary everyday active lives, how Awareness manifests itself, and how we can respond to the call to rest into the divinity within.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Letter to St. Nicholas

Dear Saint Nicholas,

I know not what I want and know not what I need this Christmas.
A clear mind would be a great start - do you have any of those to spare?
I would dearly love a new box of Intuition this Christmas - my old one is running low.
And a packet of Courage.
I could always do with more Generosity please.
A hearing aid for my inner ears, so I can not only listen, but hear.
New glasses to see clearly with fresh eyes.
New teeth to take in life's nourishment and enzymes to help digest it.
New shoes to walk in.
And maybe a pinch of mischief to make me laugh!

That's a tall order and probably much too much to ask on your busiest night of the year, so if I could ask for just one thing, it would be...
A restful contemplative Heart that can hold everything else and forgive all my other inadequacies.

Thank You!
p.s. I still love that Guardian Angel you sent me when I was seven.

Image courtesy of stalsgalscarrig