Dedicated to the Contemplative and Mystical wisdom at the core of all traditions, including Judaism, Christianity, Sufism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and to the core of our own mystical Heart within.
Exploring how Silence and the Contemplative Way infuse into our ordinary everyday active lives, how Awareness manifests itself, and how we can respond to the call to rest into the divinity within.

Friday, 19 December 2014

A Christmas Wish

Let a quietude come upon you.
Take a breath and come into the present moment.
Put aside your cares, worries, frustrations and distractions.
Allow your current state to be as it is.
Have one long unhurried moment.
Forgive your failings. They're part of being human.
Be present to the Presence.
Let Silence nourish you.

This Christmas
Get out into nature. Walk. Run. Swim. Sit. Laugh. Play.
Share a moment of complete beauty with someone you love, and with someone new.
Let something impact you. Let someone inspire you. Let your Heart fill to overflowing.
Look for the Absolute in everyone. Recognise the Absolute in you.
Notice one magical happening. They’re all around you.
Silently help someone who may not even know they need it.
Forgive someone.

In the silent, still night, may the blessing of Jesus’ birth embrace you. 
And may Presence cause a thorough contentment in your Heart.

Image copyright Lucy Learns Ltd.